All of us are on our own path and have our own ideas of what it means to live purposefully.

Your life makes more sense than you realize. Your purpose is not something you find, it is something you uncover.

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Hi, I’m Denise!

I believe we are all here for a special reason. That each of us are beautifully and uniquely made. Each of us were born with special gifts and talents designed to help us explore our purpose here on earth. As your coach I will help you fully realize your unique gifts and talents, help you uncover any blocks, and live into your best, authentic, purposeful life.

Coaching has allowed me to take the time to focus inward. My desire for direction opened me up to coaching. Denise gave me the necessary tools, courage and insights to be aware of my own ability to overcome obstacles in my life. Finding balance has proven to be a gem that was overlooked for many years. My best traits came to the surface through our coaching conversations, allowing me to acknowledge them as my core strength. I am grateful to be on my purposeful path moving forward.
— Tammy Keeley, Davisburg, MI

I know how it feels to know that there is more. To wonder what God’s purposeful plans are for your life. I have personally spent time living in the gap of wonder and unknowingness. Through different seasons in my life I knew that there was more God wanted to reveal to me. And when I was finally ready, and open to really take a look inward, I did. Looking inward involved deep soul searching that lead to my decision to make some real sustainable changes. I have learned that trials and failures are an opportunity to learn and grow just as much as accomplishments and successes are. This new level of awareness gave me the confidence to remain faithful on my unique purposeful path. The real benefit: I discovered my true authentic self.

And you can too.

How can you live your most purposeful life?

How can you live into your calling?

How can you live in your fullest expression?

I am here to be your guide as you uncover your unique calling, and discover what your unique purpose is. All of us are on our own path, and have our own ideas of what it means to live purposefully. I am in it with you; as you seek answers, explore new ideas, discover and uncover, rebuild, and connect deeply to your authentic self. Through this process, you will be reminded of your gifts and dreams and be inspired to live your best life!